
Naomi Beth Wakan has written words for a number of composers’ works

The Four (haiku) Seasons

performed by Barbara Ebbeson and Judy Specht


performed by The Composers' Choir, published by Cypress Choral Music

The Forest Floor

performed by The Composers' Choir, in the process of being published by Cypress Choral Music

Drumbeg at Solstice

performed by The Gabriola Island Singers

John Capon

Softly Shift

performed by the Gabriola Island Singers with Gail Lund conducting and playing the piano. Steve Elder recording engineer

Waltz of the Cellos

performed by the Gabriola Chamber Ensemble with Brad Shipley conducting. David Teichroeb recording engineer.

Naomi Beth Wakan

Naomi Beth Wakan has published over fifty books. She is the Inaugural Poet Laureate of Nanaimo (2014–16) and the Federation of British Columbia Writers’ Inaugural Honorary Ambassador.

Wakan is a member of The League of Canadian Poets, Haiku Canada, and Tanka Canada. She lives on Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada, with her husband, the sculptor Elias Wakan.

the skylight frames
incessant rain and
wood-stove smoke

From The Way of Haiku